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Support LITE Memphis Entrepreneurs

LITE Memphis’ 16-week entrepreneurial program empowers students to launch ideas in the community. These entrepreneurs create 3D printed products, apparel, and more. Check out their stores and support them by becoming their next customers!

SJL Spotlight: Inspired by ielaf

Watts, Ca

ielaf's journey as a refugee from Iraq to receiving her Masters at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has provided her with a unique perspective that she intends to use to support and inspire young people. 

She served as a College Access Advisor for the largest community-based scholarship provider in the US, where she realized that many students were going to college without a clear understanding of how their major connected to their strengths, interest, and overall goals, often wasting time and money.

While at Harvard she developed the skills to better support the development of young people, helping them align who they are with where they hope to go. ielaf leads with enthusiasm, love, and empathy. Every day she helps her clients design…

“…fulfilling & balanced lives connected to college & career aspirations & applications.”

SJL Spotlight: Woman’s Weekend x Impact 6

Los Angeles, CA | Washington D.C.

ielaf's journey as a refugee from Iraq to receiving her Masters at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has provided her with a unique perspective that she intends to use to support and inspire young people. 

She served as a College Access Advisor for the largest community-based scholarship provider in the US, where she realized that many students were going to college without a clear understanding of how their major connected to their strengths, interest, and overall goals, often wasting time and money.

While at Harvard she developed the skills to better support the development of young people, helping them align who they are with where they hope to go. ielaf leads with enthusiasm, love, and empathy. Every day she helps her clients design…

“…fulfilling & balanced lives connected to college & career aspirations & applications.”