Hometown Hero Stories

We are not the spotlight, we are the stage. The energy and attention that comes with being a professional athlete, music artist or any other public figure is undeniable and universal. Our SJL team is focused on starting with human connections, then creating outlets for channeling influence to impact so we can take action together with, and for, the communities we serve.

For teams, labels, brands, and many other corporations, there is already a proven ROI for investing in talent. We aim to prove that our talent-led social impact initiatives are not only heavily impactful for those in need, but also a beneficial service for brand development, marketing, and connection both for the talent and the organizations behind them. The best part is, there are no special effects needed for this hero's story; the impact is real and the return will be too!

Digital Impact Highlight

Our COVID-Safe Christmas with Co Cash

As part of our Memphis Holiday Drive, we created an online gift menu that included gift options from LITE Memphis student businesses and was shared with 200 Memphis families via QR code on our Co Cash Holiday Card. Every child in each family had the chance to select a gift online, which we purchased & shipped to their homes directly.

Our virtual solution safely delivered holiday gifts to Memphis families AND directly supported 3 Black & Brown, student-owned businesses.


“Max and Alex are the change agents our country so desperately need during these troubling times. Their tenacity and creativity is sure to change the way nonprofits render services to their clients. They gave me hope that the unified cry for communities of color to be seen and heard will not be silenced for years to come. We look forward to working closely with SJL to continue to challenge the status quo and fight for equality for all.”

— Lakethia Glenn, Exec. Director @ LITE Memphis

Let’s make an impact!

Fill out the form or give us a call to discuss your initiative.


(424) 260-5959